Ultimate Guide For Rejection And How To Deal With It

So you didn’t get the part. 

You did all the work, you chose the perfect outfit, the perfect song, perfect headshot. You picked the perfect    monologue and practiced it forwards, backwards, and sideways. You read the entire script, memorized the vocal score, and watched the film version. You go into the audition and absolutely blow the audition panel away with your effort and enthusiasm. The creative team looked absolutely thrilled and about ready to hand you the role…

And then. Radio silence.

Maybe you got down to final callbacks for a show, and the creative team decided to give that specific role to someone else. Another actor. How many of you are all too familiar with that dreaded phrase, “we decided to go a different direction…”???

Maybe Broadway World or Playbill just announced the cast for the show you were in auditions for… and your heart feels like it’s been torn into a billion pieces.

Maybe you’re watching your friends, your peers, your classmates book their dream shows and jobs… and you’re wondering when is that going happen for me? Or even better… WILL it ever happen to me?

Maybe you’re stuck in a “rut” and you just can’t seem to even get a callback?

So what do you do now?

We've all been there...  and it sucks.

Today, I'm discussing the 7 steps that I take when dealing with "rejection."

Rejection Actor

Looking to build your rep book and coach your audition material? Head to actoraesthetic.com/coaching.

On the blog:

An Actor's Secrets To Keeping Sane 

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#18: Why I'll Never Make It w/ Patrick Oliver Jones

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